
 Hemorrhoids can be very painful, as well as a delicate subject. Many people find them embarrassing to talk about and so they often miss out on learning more about them. This article can give you information and insights into these painful conditions and hopefully, give you relief and treatment methods to soothe the pains. You can lessen the chance that you will develop external hemorrhoids by paying some extra attention to your hygiene routines for that area of your body. For example, use moistened, flushable towelettes after every bowel movement; these wipes are available at most grocery stores and can be kept in the bathroom. Also, purchase soft toilet paper that is textured and does not leave bits of paper behind. A wonderful and lesser-known remedy for treating hemorrhoids is emu oil. Emu oil is made from the fat of the emu, a large bird native to Australia. This amazing oil is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It promotes healing and thickens thinning skin, making it an excel